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Understanding Inspection Reports
Inspection Details for This Provider
(Inspection Data from January 1, 2008 to present)
FloridaHealthFinder Profile
Provider Type: Nursing Home
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The Statement of Deficiencies Public Record Search displays a complete list of inspections. Documents on this page are redacted per 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 164.514 through the use of an automated redaction software, which may over-redact to protect from the potential release of confidential information. Manually redacted documents can be obtained by contacting the Public Records Office at

Users will be directed to the federal Nursing Home Compare website at for nursing home standard and complaint inspections with deficiencies cited that were conducted within the last three years.

 Inspection TypeDocument TypeVisit DatePagesInspection Status
SelectComplaintStatement of Deficiencies07/03/20242No Deficiencies
SelectStandardStatement of Deficiencies02/02/20242Deficiencies Corrected
SelectFire/Life/SafetyStatement of Deficiencies02/02/20242Deficiencies Corrected
SelectStandardStatement of Deficiencies12/07/202376Deficiencies Cited
SelectFire/Life/SafetyStatement of Deficiencies12/05/202323Deficiencies Cited
SelectComplaintStatement of Deficiencies11/01/20232Deficiencies Corrected
SelectComplaintStatement of Deficiencies11/01/20232No Deficiencies
SelectComplaintStatement of Deficiencies09/27/20232No Deficiencies
SelectComplaintStatement of Deficiencies09/06/202315Deficiencies Cited
SelectComplaintStatement of Deficiencies06/14/20232No Deficiencies

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