Provider Type: Assisted Living Facility
Inspection Data from January 1, 2008 to present
Export Results

Survey DateInspection TypeTrack IDDeficiencyClassRequirement DescriptionCorrection Date
03/07/2024ComplaintQ272A00083ADMISSIONS - HEALTH ASSESSMENT06/04/2024
03/07/2024ComplaintQ272A00783STAFFING STANDARDS - STAFF06/04/2024
03/07/2024ComplaintQ272A00833TRAINING - FIRST AID AND CPR06/04/2024
10/25/2023Complaint7221A01683RESIDENT REFUND POLICY429.24 (3)(a) . . . The refund policy shall provide that the resident or responsible party is entitled to a prorated refund based on the daily rate for any unused portion of payment beyond the termination date after all charges, including the cost of damages to the residential unit resulting from circumstances other than normal use, have been paid to the licensee. For the purpose of this paragraph, the termination date shall be the date the unit is vacated by the resident and cleared of all personal belongings. If the amount of belongings does not preclude renting the unit, the facility may clear the unit and charge the resident or his or her estate for moving and storing the items at a rate equal to the actual cost to the facility, not to exceed 20 percent of the regular rate for the unit, provided that 14 days' advance written notification is given. If the resident's possessions are not claimed within 45 days after notification, the facility may dispose of them. The contract shall also specify any other conditions under which claims will be made against the refund due the resident. Except in the case of death or a discharge due to medical reasons, the refunds shall be computed in accordance with the notice of relocation requirements specified in the contract. However, a resident may not be required to provide the licensee with more than 30 days' notice of termination. If after a contract is terminated, the facility intends to make a claim against a refund due the resident, the facility shall notify the resident or responsible party in writing of the claim and shall provide said party with a reasonable time period of no less than 14 calendar days to respond. .... 429.27, FS Property and personal affairs of residents. - (7) In the event of the death of a resident, a licensee shall return all refunds, funds, and property held in trust to the resident's personal representative, if one has been appointed at the time the facility disburses such funds, and, if not, to the resident's spouse or adult next of kin named in a beneficiary designation form provided by the facility to the resident. If the resident has no spouse or adult next of kin or such person cannot be located, funds due the resident shall be placed in an interest-bearing account, and all property held in trust by the facility shall be safeguarded until such time as the funds and property are disbursed pursuant to the Florida Probate Code. Such funds shall be kept separate from the funds and property of the facility and other residents of the facility. If the funds of the deceased resident are not disbursed pursuant to the Florida Probate Code within 2 years after the resident's death, the funds shall be deposited in the Health Care Trust Fund administered by the agency. 03/07/2024
07/06/2023Standard5ZGVA00783STAFFING STANDARDS - STAFF(2) STAFF. (a) Within 30 days after beginning employment, newly hired staff must submit a written statement from a health care provider documenting that the individual does not have any signs or symptoms of communicable disease. The examination performed by the health care provider must have been conducted no earlier than 6 months before submission of the statement. Newly hired staff does not include an employee transferring without a break in service from one facility to another when the facility is under the same management or ownership. 1. Evidence of a negative tuberculosis examination must be documented on an annual basis. Documentation provided by the Florida Department of Health or a licensed health care provider certifying that there is a shortage of tuberculosis testing materials satisfies the annual tuberculosis examination requirement. An individual with a positive tuberculosis test must submit a health care provider's statement that the individual does not constitute a risk of communicating tuberculosis. 2. If any staff member has, or is suspected of having, a communicable disease, such individual must be immediately removed from duties until a written statement is submitted from a health care provider indicating that the individual does not constitute a risk of transmitting a communicable disease. (b) Staff must be qualified to perform their assigned duties consistent with their level of education, training, preparation, and experience. Staff providing services requiring licensing or certification must be appropriately licensed or certified. All staff must exercise their responsibilities, consistent with their qualifications, to observe residents, to document observations on the appropriate resident's record, and to report the observations to the resident's health care provider in accordance with this rule chapter. (c) All staff must comply with the training requirements of rule 59A-36.011, F.A.C. (d) An assisted living facility contracting to provide services to residents must ensure that individuals providing services are qualified to perform their assigned duties in accordance with this rule chapter. The contract between the facility and the staffing agency or contractor must specifically describe the services the staffing agency or contractor will provide to residents. (e) For facilities with a licensed capacity of 17 or more residents, the facility must: 1. Develop a written job description for each staff position and provide a copy of the job description to each staff member; and, 2. Maintain time sheets for all staff. (f) Level 2 background screening must be conducted for staff, including staff contracted by the facility to provide services to residents, pursuant to sections 408.809 and 429.174, F.S. 10/25/2023
07/06/2023Standard5ZGVA00813TRAINING - STAFF IN-SERVICE429.52(1) (1) Each new assisted living facility employee who has not previously completed core training must attend a preservice orientation provided by the facility before interacting with residents. The preservice orientation must be at least 2 hours in duration and cover topics that help the employee provide responsible care and respond to the needs of facility residents. Upon completion, the employee and the administrator of the facility must sign a statement that the employee completed the required preservice orientation. The facility must keep the signed statement in the employee's personnel record. (7) Facility staff shall participate in inservice training relevant to their job duties as specified by agency rule. Topics covered during the preservice orientation are not required to be repeated during inservice training. A single certificate of completion that covers all required inservice training topics may be issued to a participating staff member if the training is provided in a single training course. 59A-36.011 (2) STAFF PRESERVICE ORIENTATION. (a) Facilities must provide a preservice orientation of at least 2 hours to all new assisted living facility employees who have not previously completed core training as detailed in subsection (1). (b) New staff must complete the preservice orientation prior to interacting with residents. (c) Once complete, the employee and the facility administrator must sign a statement that the employee completed the preservice orientation which must be kept in the employee's personnel record. (d) In addition to topics that may be chosen by the facility administrator, the preservice orientation must cover: 1. Resident's rights; and, 2. The facility's license type and services offered by the facility. (3) STAFF IN-SERVICE TRAINING. Facility administrators or managers shall provide or arrange for the following in-service training to facility staff: (a) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, certified nursing assistants, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training in infection control, including universal precautions and facility sanitation procedures, before providing personal care to residents. The facility must use its infection control policies and procedures when offering this training. Documentation of compliance with the staff training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1030, relating to blood borne pathogens, may be used to meet this requirement. (b) Staff who provide direct care to residents must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Reporting adverse incidents. 2. Facility emergency procedures including chain-of-command and staff roles relating to emergency evacuation. (c) Staff who provide direct care to residents, who have not taken the core training program, shall receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident rights in an assisted living facility. 2. Recognizing and reporting resident abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The facility must use its abuse prevention policies and procedures when offering this training. (d) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, CNAs, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive 3 hours of in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident behavior and needs. 2. Providing assistance with the activities of daily living. (e) Staff who prepare or serve food, who have not taken the assisted living facility core training must receive a minimum of 1-hour-in-service training within 30 days of employment in safe food handling practices. (f) All facility staff shall receive in-service training regarding the facility's resident elopement response policies and procedures within10/25/2023
07/06/2023Standard5ZGVA00823TRAINING - HIV/AIDS(4) HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS/ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (HIV/AIDS). Pursuant to section 381.0035, F.S., all facility employees, with the exception of employees subject to the requirements of section 456.033, F.S., must complete a one-time education course on HIV and AIDS, including the topics prescribed in the section 381.0035, F.S. New facility staff must obtain the training within 30 days of employment. Documentation of compliance must be maintained in accordance with subsection (12), of this rule. 10/25/2023
07/06/2023Standard5ZGVA00863TRAINING - ADRD(10) ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND RELATED DISORDERS ("ADRD") TRAINING REQUIREMENTS. Facilities which advertise that they provide special care for persons with ADRD, or who maintain secured areas as described in Chapter 4, Section 464.4.6 of the Florida Building Code, as adopted in rule 61G20-1.001, F.A.C., Florida Building Code Adopted, must ensure that facility staff receive the following training. (a) Facility staff who interact on a daily basis with residents with ADRD but do not provide direct care to such residents and staff who provide direct care to residents with ADRD, shall obtain 4 hours of initial training within 3 months of employment. Completion of the core training program between April 20, 1998 and July 1, 2003 shall satisfy this requirement. Facility staff who meet the requirements for ADRD training providers under paragraph (g) of this subsection, will be considered as having met this requirement. Initial training, entitled "Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Level I Training," must address the following subject areas: 1. Understanding Alzheimer's disease and related disorders; 2. Characteristics of Alzheimer's disease; 3. Communicating with residents with Alzheimer's disease; 4. Family issues; 5. Resident environment; and, 6. Ethical issues. (b) Staff who have successfully completed both the initial one hour and continuing three hours of ADRD training pursuant to sections 400.1755, 429.917 and 400.6045(1), F.S., shall be considered to have met the initial assisted living facility Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Level I Training. (c) Facility staff who provide direct care to residents with ADRD must obtain an additional 4 hours of training, entitled "Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Level II Training," within 9 months of employment. Facility staff who meet the requirements for ADRD training providers under paragraph (g) of this subsection, will be considered as having met this requirement. Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Level II Training must address the following subject areas as they apply to these disorders: 1. Behavior management, 2. Assistance with ADLs, 3. Activities for residents, 4. Stress management for the care giver; and, 5. Medical information. (d) A detailed description of the subject areas that must be included in an ADRD curriculum which meets the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection, can be found in the document "Training Guidelines for the Special Care of Persons with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders," dated March 1999, incorporated by reference, available from the Department of Elder Affairs, 4040 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7000. (e) Direct care staff shall participate in 4 hours of continuing education annually as required under section 429.178, F.S. Continuing education received under this paragraph may be used to meet 3 of the 12 hours of continuing education required by section 429.52, F.S., and subsection (1) of this rule, or 3 of the 6 hours of continuing education for extended congregate care required by subsection (7) of this rule. (f) Facility staff who have only incidental contact with residents with ADRD must receive general written information provided by the facility on interacting with such residents, as required under section 429.178, F.S., within three (3) months of employment. "Incidental contact" means all staff who neither provide direct care nor are in regular contact with such residents. (g) Persons who seek to provide ADRD training in accordance with this subsection must provide the department or its designee with documentation that they hold a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university or hold a license as a registered nurse, and: 1. Have 1 year teaching experience as an educator of caregivers for persons with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders, or 2. Three years of practical experience in a program providing care to persons with Alzheimer's disease or 10/25/2023
07/06/2023Standard5ZGVA01523PHYSICAL PLANT - SAFE LIVING ENVIRON/OTHER(3) OTHER REQUIREMENTS. (a) All facilities must: 1. Provide a safe living environment pursuant to section 429.28(1)(a), F.S.; 2. Be maintained free of hazards; and, 3. Ensure that all existing architectural, mechanical, electrical and structural systems, and appurtenances are maintained in good working order. (b) Pursuant to section 429.27, F.S., residents must be given the option of using their own belongings as space permits. When the facility supplies the furnishings, each resident bedroom or sleeping area must have at least the following furnishings: 1. A clean, comfortable bed with a mattress no less than 36 inches wide and 72 inches long, with the top surface of the mattress at a comfortable height to ensure easy access by the resident, 2. A closet or wardrobe space for hanging clothes, 3. A dresser, chest or other furniture designed for storage of clothing or personal effects, 4. A table or nightstand, bedside lamp or floor lamp, and waste basket; and, 5. A comfortable chair, if requested. (c) The facility must maintain master or duplicate keys to resident bedrooms to be used in the event of an emergency. (d) Residents who use portable bedside commodes must be provided with privacy during use. (e) Facilities must make available linens and personal laundry services for residents who require such services. Linens provided by a facility must be free of tears, stains and must not be threadbare. 10/25/2023