Provider Type: Assisted Living Facility
Inspection Data from January 1, 2008 to present
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Survey DateInspection TypeTrack IDDeficiencyClassRequirement DescriptionCorrection Date
03/22/2024Complaint0FYSA00253RESIDENT CARE - SUPERVISION05/08/2024
03/22/2024Complaint0FYSA00523MEDICATION - ASSISTANCE WITH SELF-ADMIN05/08/2024
08/25/2023ComplaintS63RA00252RESIDENT CARE - SUPERVISION429.26 (7) The facility shall notify a licensed physician when a resident exhibits signs of dementia or cognitive impairment or has a change of condition in order to rule out the presence of an underlying physiological condition that may be contributing to such dementia or impairment. The notification must occur within 30 days after the acknowledgment of such signs by facility staff. If an underlying condition is determined to exist, the facility must notify the resident's representative or designee of the need for health care services and must assist in making appointments for the necessary care and services to treat the condition. If the resident does not have a representative or designee or if the resident's representative or designee cannot be located or is unresponsive, the facility shall arrange with the appropriate health care provider for the necessary care and services to treat the condition. 59A-36.007 Resident Care Standards. An assisted living facility must provide care and services appropriate to the needs of residents accepted for admission to the facility. (1) SUPERVISION. Facilities must offer personal supervision as appropriate for each resident, including the following: (a) Monitoring of the quantity and quality of resident diets in accordance with Rule 59A-36.012, F.A.C. (b) Daily observation by designated staff of the activities of the resident while on the premises, and awareness of the general health, safety, and physical and emotional well-being of the resident. (c) Maintaining a general awareness of the resident's whereabouts. The resident may travel independently in the community. (d) Contacting the resident's health care provider and other appropriate party such as the resident's family, guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if the resident exhibits a significant change. (e) Contacting the resident's family, guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if the resident is discharged or moves out. (f) Maintaining a written record, updated as needed, of any significant changes, any illnesses that resulted in medical attention, changes in the method of medication administration, or other changes that resulted in the provision of additional services. 10/18/2023
08/25/2023ComplaintS63RA01522PHYSICAL PLANT - SAFE LIVING ENVIRON/OTHER(3) OTHER REQUIREMENTS. (a) All facilities must: 1. Provide a safe living environment pursuant to section 429.28(1)(a), F.S.; 2. Be maintained free of hazards; and, 3. Ensure that all existing architectural, mechanical, electrical and structural systems, and appurtenances are maintained in good working order. (b) Pursuant to section 429.27, F.S., residents must be given the option of using their own belongings as space permits. When the facility supplies the furnishings, each resident bedroom or sleeping area must have at least the following furnishings: 1. A clean, comfortable bed with a mattress no less than 36 inches wide and 72 inches long, with the top surface of the mattress at a comfortable height to ensure easy access by the resident, 2. A closet or wardrobe space for hanging clothes, 3. A dresser, chest or other furniture designed for storage of clothing or personal effects, 4. A table or nightstand, bedside lamp or floor lamp, and waste basket; and, 5. A comfortable chair, if requested. (c) The facility must maintain master or duplicate keys to resident bedrooms to be used in the event of an emergency. (d) Residents who use portable bedside commodes must be provided with privacy during use. (e) Facilities must make available linens and personal laundry services for residents who require such services. Linens provided by a facility must be free of tears, stains and must not be threadbare. 10/18/2023
07/07/2023ComplaintBCQ9A01603RECORDS - FACILITY59A-36.015 Records. The facility must maintain required records in a manner that makes such records readily available at the licensee's physical address for review by a legally authorized entity. If records are maintained in an electronic format, facility staff must be readily available to access the data and produce the requested information. For purposes of this section, "readily available" means the ability to immediately produce documents, records, or other such data, either in electronic or paper format, upon request. (1) FACILITY RECORDS. Facility records must include: (a) The facility's license displayed in a conspicuous and public place within the facility. (b) An up-to-date admission and discharge log listing the names of all residents and each resident's: 1. Date of admission, the facility or place from which the resident was admitted, and if applicable, a notation indicating that the resident was admitted with a stage 2 pressure sore; and, 2. Date of discharge, reason for discharge, and identification of the facility or home address to which the resident was discharged. Readmission of a resident to the facility after discharge requires a new entry in the log. Discharge of a resident is not required if the facility is holding a bed for a resident who is out of the facility but intending to return pursuant to Rule 59A-36.018, F.A.C. If the resident dies while in the care of the facility, the log must indicate the date of death. (c) A log listing the names of all temporary emergency placement and respite care residents if not included on the log described in paragraph (b). (d) The facility's emergency management plan, with documentation of review and approval by the county emergency management agency, as described in Rule 59A-36.019, F.A.C., that must be readily available by facility staff. (e) The facility's liability insurance policy required in Rule 59A-36.013, F.A.C. (f) For facilities that have a surety bond, a copy of the surety bond currently in effect as required by Rule 59A-36.013, F.A.C. (g) The admission package presented to new or prospective residents (less the resident's contract) described in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. (h) If the facility advertises that it provides special care for persons with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders, a copy of all such facility advertisements as required by Section 429.177, F.S. (i) A grievance procedure for receiving and responding to resident complaints and recommendations as described in Rule 59A-36.007, F.A.C. (j) All food service records required in Rule 59A-36.012, F.A.C., including menus planned and served and county health department inspection reports. Facilities that contract for food services, must include a copy of the contract for food services and the food service contractor's license or certificate to operate. (k) All fire safety inspection reports issued by the local authority or the State Fire Marshal pursuant to Section 429.435, F.S., and rule Chapter 69A-40, F.A.C., issued within the last 2 years. (l) All sanitation inspection reports issued by the county health department pursuant to Section 381.031, F.S., and Chapter 64E-12, F.A.C., issued within the last 2 years. (m) Pursuant to Section 429.35, F.S., all completed survey, inspection and complaint investigation reports, and notices of sanctions and moratoriums issued by the agency within the last 5 years. (n) The facility's resident elopement response policies and procedures. (o) The facility's documented resident elopement response drills. (p) The facility's policies and procedures pursuant to subsection 59A-36.007(10), F.A.C.; (q) The facility's abuse prevention policies and procedures; (r) The facility's medication practices; (s) The facility's policy on physical restraints; (t) The facility's policy on assistive devices; (u) The facility's policy on third-party providers; (v) The facility's policy on visitation pursuant to Section 408.823(2)(a), F.S.; (w) For facilit08/25/2023
07/07/2023ComplaintBCQ9A01623RECORDS - RESIDENT(3) RESIDENT RECORDS. Resident records must be maintained on the premises and include: (a) Resident demographic data as follows: 1. Name, 2. Sex, 3. Race, 4. Date of birth, 5. Place of birth, if known, 6. Social security number, 7. Medicaid and/or Medicare number, or name of other health insurance carrier, 8. Name, address, and telephone number of next of kin, legal representative, or individual designated by the resident for notification in case of an emergency; and, 9. Name, address, and telephone number of the resident's health care practioner and case manager, if applicable. (b) A copy of the Resident Health Assessment form, AHCA Form 1823 or the health care practitioner's medical examination form described in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. (c) Any orders for medications, nursing services, therapeutic diets, do not resuscitate orders, or other services to be provided, supervised, or implemented by the facility that require a health care provider's order. (d) Documentation of a resident's refusal of a therapeutic diet pursuant to Rule 59A-36.012, F.A.C., if applicable. (e) The resident care record described in paragraph 59A-36.007(1)(f), F.A.C. (f) A weight record that is initiated on admission. Information may be taken from AHCA Form 1823 or the resident's health assessment. Residents receiving assistance with the activities of daily living must have their weight recorded semi-annually. This subsection does not apply to residents who are receiving licensed hospice services when such residents, their representatives, or their physicians request in writing that weights not be taken. (g) For facilities that will have unlicensed staff assisting the resident with the self-administration of medication, a copy of the written informed consent described in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C., if such consent is not included in the resident's contract. (h) For facilities that manage a pill organizer, assist with self-administration of medications or administer medications for a resident, copies of the required medication records maintained pursuant to Rule 59A-36.008, F.A.C. (i) A copy of the resident's contract with the facility, including any addendums to the contract as described in Rule 59A-36.018, F.A.C. (j) For a facility whose owner, administrator, staff, or representative thereof, serves as an attorney in fact for a resident, a copy of the monthly written statement of any transaction made on behalf of the resident as required in Section 429.27, F.S. (k) For any facility that maintains a separate trust fund to receive funds or other property belonging to or due a resident, a copy of the quarterly written statement of funds or other property disbursed as required in Section 429.27, F.S. (l) If the resident is an OSS recipient, a copy of the Department of Children and Families form Alternate Care Certification for Optional State Supplementation (OSS), CF-ES 1006, October 2005, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available for review at: The absence of this form will not be the basis for administrative action against a facility if the facility can demonstrate that it has made a good faith effort to obtain the required documentation from the Department of Children and Families. (m) Documentation of the appointment of a health care surrogate, health care proxy, guardian, or the existence of a power of attorney, where applicable. (n) For hospice patients, the interdisciplinary care plan and other documentation that the resident is a hospice patient as required in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. (o) The resident's Do Not Resuscitate Order, DH Form 1896, if applicable. (p) For independent living residents who receive meals and occupy beds included within the licensed capacity of an assisted living facility, but who are not receiving any personal, limited nursing, or extended congregate care services, record keeping may be limited to a log listing the names of resident08/25/2023