Provider Type: Assisted Living Facility
Inspection Data from January 1, 2008 to present
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Survey DateInspection TypeTrack IDDeficiencyClassRequirement DescriptionCorrection Date
04/05/2024Complaint1BS6A00543MEDICATION - RECORDS05/22/2024
04/05/2024Complaint1BS6CZ8753ALZHEIMER DISEASE/DEMENTIA; TRAINING05/22/2024
11/07/2023Complaint1GRWA01523PHYSICAL PLANT - SAFE LIVING ENVIRON/OTHER(3) OTHER REQUIREMENTS. (a) All facilities must: 1. Provide a safe living environment pursuant to section 429.28(1)(a), F.S.; 2. Be maintained free of hazards; and, 3. Ensure that all existing architectural, mechanical, electrical and structural systems, and appurtenances are maintained in good working order. (b) Pursuant to section 429.27, F.S., residents must be given the option of using their own belongings as space permits. When the facility supplies the furnishings, each resident bedroom or sleeping area must have at least the following furnishings: 1. A clean, comfortable bed with a mattress no less than 36 inches wide and 72 inches long, with the top surface of the mattress at a comfortable height to ensure easy access by the resident, 2. A closet or wardrobe space for hanging clothes, 3. A dresser, chest or other furniture designed for storage of clothing or personal effects, 4. A table or nightstand, bedside lamp or floor lamp, and waste basket; and, 5. A comfortable chair, if requested. (c) The facility must maintain master or duplicate keys to resident bedrooms to be used in the event of an emergency. (d) Residents who use portable bedside commodes must be provided with privacy during use. (e) Facilities must make available linens and personal laundry services for residents who require such services. Linens provided by a facility must be free of tears, stains and must not be threadbare. 12/27/2023
11/07/2023Complaint1GRWA01653RISK MGMT & QA429.23 Internal risk management and quality assurance program; adverse incidents and reporting requirements.- (1) Every facility licensed under this part may, as part of its administrative functions, voluntarily establish a risk management and quality assurance program, the purpose of which is to assess resident care practices, facility incident reports, deficiencies cited by the agency, adverse incident reports, and resident grievances and develop plans of action to correct and respond quickly to identify quality differences. (2) Every facility licensed under this part is required to maintain adverse incident reports. For purposes of this section, the term, "adverse incident" means: (a) An event over which facility personnel could exercise control rather than as a result of the resident's condition and results in: 1. Death; 2. Brain or spinal damage; 3. Permanent disfigurement; 4. Fracture or dislocation of bones or joints; 5. Any condition that required medical attention to which the resident has not given his or her consent, including failure to honor advanced directives; 6. Any condition that requires the transfer of the resident from the facility to a unit providing more acute care due to the incident rather than the resident's condition before the incident; or 7. An event that is reported to law enforcement or its personnel for investigation; or (b) Resident elopement, if the elopement places the resident at risk of harm or injury. (3) Licensed facilities shall provide within 1 business day after the occurrence of an adverse incident, through the agency's online portal, or if the portal is offline, by electronic mail, a preliminary report to the agency on all adverse incidents specified under this section. The report must include information regarding the identity of the affected resident, the type of adverse incident, and the status of the facility's investigation of the incident. (4) Licensed facilities shall provide within 15 days, through the agency's online portal, or if the portal is offline, by electronic mail, a full report to the agency on all adverse incidents specified in this section. The report must include the results of the facility's investigation into the adverse incident. (6) Abuse, neglect, or exploitation must be reported to the Department of Children and Families as required under chapter 415. (7) The information reported to the agency pursuant to subsection (3) which relates to persons licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 461, chapter 464, or chapter 465 shall be reviewed by the agency. The agency shall determine whether any of the incidents potentially involved conduct by a health care professional who is subject to disciplinary action, in which case the provisions of s. 456.073 apply. The agency may investigate, as it deems appropriate, any such incident and prescribe measures that must or may be taken in response to the incident. The agency shall review each incident and determine whether it potentially involved conduct by a health care professional who is subject to disciplinary action, in which case the provisions of s. 456.073 apply. (8) If the agency, through its receipt of the adverse incident reports prescribed in this part or through any investigation, has reasonable belief that conduct by a staff member or employee of a licensed facility is grounds for disciplinary action by the appropriate board, the agency shall report this fact to such regulatory board. (9) The adverse incident reports and preliminary adverse incident reports required under this section are confidential as provided by law and are not discoverable or admissible in any civil or administrative action, except in disciplinary proceedings by the agency or appropriate regulatory board. (10) The agency may adopt rules necessary to administer this section. 12/27/2023
06/01/2023ComplaintQHGRA00253RESIDENT CARE - SUPERVISION429.26 (7) The facility shall notify a licensed physician when a resident exhibits signs of dementia or cognitive impairment or has a change of condition in order to rule out the presence of an underlying physiological condition that may be contributing to such dementia or impairment. The notification must occur within 30 days after the acknowledgment of such signs by facility staff. If an underlying condition is determined to exist, the facility must notify the resident's representative or designee of the need for health care services and must assist in making appointments for the necessary care and services to treat the condition. If the resident does not have a representative or designee or if the resident's representative or designee cannot be located or is unresponsive, the facility shall arrange with the appropriate health care provider for the necessary care and services to treat the condition. 59A-36.007 Resident Care Standards. An assisted living facility must provide care and services appropriate to the needs of residents accepted for admission to the facility. (1) SUPERVISION. Facilities must offer personal supervision as appropriate for each resident, including the following: (a) Monitoring of the quantity and quality of resident diets in accordance with Rule 59A-36.012, F.A.C. (b) Daily observation by designated staff of the activities of the resident while on the premises, and awareness of the general health, safety, and physical and emotional well-being of the resident. (c) Maintaining a general awareness of the resident's whereabouts. The resident may travel independently in the community. (d) Contacting the resident's health care provider and other appropriate party such as the resident's family, guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if the resident exhibits a significant change. (e) Contacting the resident's family, guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if the resident is discharged or moves out. (f) Maintaining a written record, updated as needed, of any significant changes, any illnesses that resulted in medical attention, changes in the method of medication administration, or other changes that resulted in the provision of additional services. 07/18/2023
06/01/2023ComplaintQHGRA01523PHYSICAL PLANT - SAFE LIVING ENVIRON/OTHER(3) OTHER REQUIREMENTS. (a) All facilities must: 1. Provide a safe living environment pursuant to section 429.28(1)(a), F.S.; 2. Be maintained free of hazards; and, 3. Ensure that all existing architectural, mechanical, electrical and structural systems, and appurtenances are maintained in good working order. (b) Pursuant to section 429.27, F.S., residents must be given the option of using their own belongings as space permits. When the facility supplies the furnishings, each resident bedroom or sleeping area must have at least the following furnishings: 1. A clean, comfortable bed with a mattress no less than 36 inches wide and 72 inches long, with the top surface of the mattress at a comfortable height to ensure easy access by the resident, 2. A closet or wardrobe space for hanging clothes, 3. A dresser, chest or other furniture designed for storage of clothing or personal effects, 4. A table or nightstand, bedside lamp or floor lamp, and waste basket; and, 5. A comfortable chair, if requested. (c) The facility must maintain master or duplicate keys to resident bedrooms to be used in the event of an emergency. (d) Residents who use portable bedside commodes must be provided with privacy during use. (e) Facilities must make available linens and personal laundry services for residents who require such services. Linens provided by a facility must be free of tears, stains and must not be threadbare. 07/18/2023
06/01/2023ComplaintQYNZA00583PHARMACY & DIETARY; UNCORRECTED DEFICIENCIES429.42 Pharmacy and dietary services.- (1) Any assisted living facility in which the agency has documented a class I or class II deficiency or uncorrected class III deficiencies regarding medicinal drugs or over-the-counter preparations, including their storage, use, delivery, or administration, or dietary services, or both, during a biennial survey or a monitoring visit or an investigation in response to a complaint, shall, in addition to or as an alternative to any penalties imposed under s. 429.19, be required to employ the consultant services of a licensed pharmacist, a licensed registered nurse, or a registered or licensed dietitian, as applicable. The consultant shall, at a minimum, provide onsite quarterly consultation until the inspection team from the agency determines that such consultation services are no longer required. (2) A corrective action plan for deficiencies related to assistance with the self-administration of medication or the administration of medication must be developed and implemented by the facility within 48 hours after notification of such deficiency, or sooner if the deficiency is determined by the agency to be life-threatening. 58A-5.033(3) (3) EMPLOYMENT OF A CONSULTANT. (a) Medication Deficiencies. 1. If a class I, class II, or uncorrected class III deficiency directly relating to facility medication practices as established in Rule 58A-5.0185, F.A.C., is documented by the agency pursuant to an inspection of the facility, the agency must notify the facility in writing that the facility must employ or contract the services of a pharmacist licensed pursuant to Section 465.0125, F.S., or registered nurse as determined by the agency. 2. After developing and implementing a corrective action plan in compliance with Section 429.42(2), F.S., the initial on-site consultant visit must take place within 7 working days of the notice of the class I or II deficiency and within 14 working days of the notice of an uncorrected class III deficiency. The facility must have available for review by the agency a copy of the license of the consultant pharmacist or registered nurse and the consultant's signed and dated review of the corrective action plan no later than 10 working days subsequent to the initial on-site consultant visit. 3. The facility must provide the agency with, at a minimum, quarterly on-site corrective action plan updates until the agency determines after written notification by the consultant and facility administrator that deficiencies are corrected and staff has been trained to ensure that proper medication standards are followed and that such consultant services are no longer required. The agency must provide the facility with written notification of such determination. 07/28/2023
04/19/2023ComplaintQYNZA00543MEDICATION - RECORDS(5) MEDICATION RECORDS. (a) For residents who use a pill organizer managed in subsection (2), the facility must keep either the original labeled medication container; or a medication listing with the prescription number, the name and address of the issuing pharmacy, the health care provider's name, the resident's name, the date dispensed, the name and strength of the drug, and the directions for use. (b) The facility must maintain a daily medication observation record for each resident who receives assistance with self-administration of medications or medication administration. A medication observation record must be immediately updated each time the medication is offered or administered and include: 1. The name of the resident and any known allergies the resident may have; 2. The name of the resident's health care provider and the health care provider's telephone number; 3. The name, strength, and directions for use of each medication; and, 4. A chart for recording each time the medication is taken, any missed dosages, refusals to take medication as prescribed, or medication errors. (c) For medications that serve as chemical restraints, the facility must, pursuant to Section 429.41, F.S., maintain a record of the prescribing physician's annual evaluation of the use of the medication. 07/28/2023