Provider Type: Assisted Living Facility
Inspection Data from January 1, 2008 to present
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10/23/2023Standard8H8FA00102ADMISSIONS - CONTINUED RESIDENCY429.26 Appropriateness of placements; examinations of residents.- (1) The owner or administrator of a facility is responsible for determining the appropriateness of admission of an individual to the facility and for determining the continued appropriateness of residence of an individual in the facility. A determination must be based upon an evaluation of the strengths, needs, and preferences of the resident, a medical examination, the care and services offered or arranged for by the facility in accordance with facility policy, and any limitations in law or rule related to admission criteria or continued residency for the type of license held by the facility under this part. The following criteria apply to the determination of appropriateness for admission and continued residency of an individual in a facility: (a) A facility may admit or retain a resident who receives a health care service or treatment that is designed to be provided within a private residential setting if all requirements for providing that service or treatment are met by the facility or a third party. (b) A facility may admit or retain a resident who requires the use of assistive devices. (c) A facility may admit or retain an individual receiving hospice services if the arrangement is agreed to by the facility and the resident, additional care is provided by a licensed hospice, and the resident is under the care of a physician who agrees that the physical needs of the resident can be met at the facility. The resident must have a plan of care which delineates how the facility and the hospice will meet the scheduled and unscheduled needs of the resident, including, if applicable, staffing for nursing care. (d)1. Except for a resident who is receiving hospice services as provided in paragraph (c), a facility may not admit or retain a resident who is bedridden or who requires 24-hour nursing supervision. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "bedridden" means that a resident is confined to a bed because of the inability to: a. Move, turn, or reposition without total physical assistance; b. Transfer to a chair or wheelchair without total physical assistance; or c. Sit safely in a chair or wheelchair without personal assistance or a physical restraint. 2. A resident may continue to reside in a facility if, during residency, he or she is bedridden for no more than 7 consecutive days. 3. If a facility is licensed to provide extended congregate care, a resident may continue to reside in a facility if, during residency, he or she is bedridden for no more than 14 consecutive days. (2) A resident may not be moved from one facility to another without consultation with and agreement from the resident or, if applicable, the resident's representative or designee or the resident's family, guardian, surrogate, or attorney in fact. In the case of a resident who has been placed by the department or the Department of Children and Families, the administrator must notify the appropriate contact person in the applicable department. (3) A physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse who is employed by an assisted living facility to provide an initial examination for admission purposes may not have financial interests in the facility. 59A-36.006 (4) CONTINUED RESIDENCY. Except as follows in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this subsection, criteria for continued residency in any licensed facility must be the same as the criteria for admission. As part of the continued residency criteria, a resident must have a face-to-face medical examination by a health care practitioner at least every 3 years after the initial assessment, or after a significant change, whichever comes first. A significant change is defined in Rule 59A-36.002, F.A.C. The results of the examination must be recorded on the practitioner's form or on AHCA Form 1823, which is incorporated by reference in paragraph (2)(b) of this rule and must be completed in accordance with t11/14/2023
10/23/2023Standard8H8FA00301RESIDENT CARE - RIGHTS & FACILITY PROCEDURES59A-36.007 (5) RESIDENT RIGHTS AND FACILITY PROCEDURES. (a) A copy of the Resident Bill of Rights as described in Section 429.28, F.S., or a summary provided by the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program must be posted in full view in a freely accessible resident area, and included in the admission package provided pursuant to Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. (b) In accordance with Section 429.28, F.S., the facility must have a written grievance procedure for receiving and responding to resident complaints and a written procedure to allow residents to recommend changes to facility policies and procedures. The facility must be able to demonstrate that such procedure is implemented upon receipt of a complaint. (c) The telephone number for lodging complaints against a facility or facility staff must be posted in full view in a common area accessible to all residents. The telephone numbers are: the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, 1(888)831-0404; Disability Rights Florida, 1(800)342-0823; the Agency Consumer Hotline 1(888)419-3456, and the statewide toll-free telephone number of the Florida Abuse Hotline, 1(800)96-ABUSE or 1(800)962-2873. The telephone numbers must be posted in close proximity to a telephone accessible by residents and the text must be a minimum of 14-point font. (d) The facility must have a written statement of its house rules and procedures that must be included in the admission package provided pursuant to Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. The rules and procedures must at a minimum address the facility's policies regarding: 1. Resident responsibilities; 2. Alcohol and tobacco use; 3. Medication storage; 4. Resident elopement; 5. Reporting resident abuse, neglect, and exploitation; 6. Administrative and housekeeping schedules and requirements; 7. Infection control, sanitation, and standard precautions; 8. The requirements for coordinating the delivery of services to residents by third party providers; 9. Assistive devices; and 10. Physical restraints. (e) Residents may not be required to perform any work in the facility without compensation. Residents may be required to clean their own sleeping areas or apartments if the facility rules or the facility contract includes such a requirement. If a resident is employed by the facility, the resident must be compensated in compliance with state and federal wage laws. (f) The facility must provide residents with convenient access to a telephone to facilitate the resident's right to unrestricted and private communication, pursuant to Section 429.28(1)(d), F.S. The facility must allow unidentified telephone calls to residents. For facilities with a licensed capacity of 17 or more residents in which residents do not have private telephones, there must be, at a minimum, a readily accessible telephone on each floor of each building where residents reside. 429.28 Resident bill of rights.- (1) No resident of a facility shall be deprived of any civil or legal rights, benefits, or privileges guaranteed by law, the Constitution of the State of Florida, or the Constitution of the United States as a resident of a facility. Every resident of a facility shall have the right to: (a) Live in a safe and decent living environment, free from abuse and neglect. (b) Be treated with consideration and respect and with due recognition of personal dignity, individuality, and the need for privacy. (c) Retain and use his or her own clothes and other personal property in his or her immediate living quarters, so as to maintain individuality and personal dignity, except when the facility can demonstrate that such would be unsafe, impractical, or an infringement upon the rights of other residents. (d) Unrestricted private communication, including receiving and sending unopened correspondence, access to a telephone, and visiting with any person of his or her choice, at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. at a minimum. Upon request, the facility shall make provisions to extend visiting h11/14/2023
10/23/2023Standard8H8FA00523MEDICATION - ASSISTANCE WITH SELF-ADMIN429.256 (3) Assistance with self-administration of medication includes: (a) Taking the medication, in its previously dispensed, properly labeled container, from where it is stored, and bringing it to the resident. For purposes of this paragraph, an insulin syringe that is prefilled with the proper dosage by a pharmacist and an insulin pen that is prefilled by the manufacturer are considered medications in previously dispensed, properly labeled containers. (b) In the presence of the resident, confirming that the medication is intended for that resident, orally advising the resident of the medication name and dosage, opening the container, removing a prescribed amount of medication from the container, and closing the container. The resident may sign a written waiver to opt out of being orally advised of the medication name and dosage. The waiver must identify all of the medications intended for the resident, including names and dosages of such medications, and must immediately be updated each time the resident's medications or dosages change. (c) Placing an oral dosage in the resident's hand or placing the dosage in another container and helping the resident by lifting the container to his or her mouth. (d) Applying topical medications. (e) Returning the medication container to proper storage. (f) Keeping a record of when a resident receives assistance with self-administration under this section. (g) Assisting with the use of a nebulizer, including removing the cap of a nebulizer, opening the unit dose of nebulizer solution, and pouring the prescribed premeasured dose of medication into the dispensing cup of the nebulizer. (4) Assistance with self-administration of medication does not include: (a) Mixing, compounding, converting, or calculating medication doses, except for measuring a prescribed amount of liquid medication or breaking a scored tablet or crushing a tablet as prescribed. (b) The preparation of syringes for injection or the administration of medications by any injectable route. (c) Administration of medications by way of a tube inserted in a cavity of the body. (d) Administration of parenteral preparations. (e) The use of irrigations or debriding agents used in the treatment of a skin condition. (f) Assisting with rectal, urethral, or vaginal preparations. (g) Assisting with medications ordered by the physician or health care professional with prescriptive authority to be given "as needed," unless the order is written with specific parameters that preclude independent judgment on the part of the unlicensed person, and the resident requesting the medication is aware of his or her need for the medication and understands the purpose for taking the medication. (h) Medications for which the time of administration, the amount, the strength of dosage, the method of administration, or the reason for administration requires judgment or discretion on the part of the unlicensed person. (5) Assistance with the self-administration of medication by an unlicensed person as described in this section shall not be considered administration as defined in s. 465.003. 59A-36.008 (3) ASSISTANCE WITH SELF-ADMINISTRATION. (a) Any unlicensed person providing assistance with self-administration of medication must be 18 years of age or older, trained to assist with self administered medication pursuant to the training requirements of Rule 59A-36.011, F.A.C., and must be available to assist residents with self-administered medications in accordance with procedures described in Section 429.256, F.S. and this rule. (b) In addition to the specifications of Section 429.256(3), F.S., assistance with self-administration of medication includes, orally advising the resident of the name and dosage of the medication and verbally prompting a resident to take medications as prescribed. (c) In order to facilitate assistance with self-administration, trained staff may prepare and make available such items as water, ju11/14/2023
10/23/2023Standard8H8FA01623RECORDS - RESIDENT(3) RESIDENT RECORDS. Resident records must be maintained on the premises and include: (a) Resident demographic data as follows: 1. Name, 2. Sex, 3. Race, 4. Date of birth, 5. Place of birth, if known, 6. Social security number, 7. Medicaid and/or Medicare number, or name of other health insurance carrier, 8. Name, address, and telephone number of next of kin, legal representative, or individual designated by the resident for notification in case of an emergency; and, 9. Name, address, and telephone number of the resident's health care practioner and case manager, if applicable. (b) A copy of the Resident Health Assessment form, AHCA Form 1823 or the health care practitioner's medical examination form described in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. (c) Any orders for medications, nursing services, therapeutic diets, do not resuscitate orders, or other services to be provided, supervised, or implemented by the facility that require a health care provider's order. (d) Documentation of a resident's refusal of a therapeutic diet pursuant to Rule 59A-36.012, F.A.C., if applicable. (e) The resident care record described in paragraph 59A-36.007(1)(f), F.A.C. (f) A weight record that is initiated on admission. Information may be taken from AHCA Form 1823 or the resident's health assessment. Residents receiving assistance with the activities of daily living must have their weight recorded semi-annually. This subsection does not apply to residents who are receiving licensed hospice services when such residents, their representatives, or their physicians request in writing that weights not be taken. (g) For facilities that will have unlicensed staff assisting the resident with the self-administration of medication, a copy of the written informed consent described in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C., if such consent is not included in the resident's contract. (h) For facilities that manage a pill organizer, assist with self-administration of medications or administer medications for a resident, copies of the required medication records maintained pursuant to Rule 59A-36.008, F.A.C. (i) A copy of the resident's contract with the facility, including any addendums to the contract as described in Rule 59A-36.018, F.A.C. (j) For a facility whose owner, administrator, staff, or representative thereof, serves as an attorney in fact for a resident, a copy of the monthly written statement of any transaction made on behalf of the resident as required in Section 429.27, F.S. (k) For any facility that maintains a separate trust fund to receive funds or other property belonging to or due a resident, a copy of the quarterly written statement of funds or other property disbursed as required in Section 429.27, F.S. (l) If the resident is an OSS recipient, a copy of the Department of Children and Families form Alternate Care Certification for Optional State Supplementation (OSS), CF-ES 1006, October 2005, which is hereby incorporated by reference and available for review at: The absence of this form will not be the basis for administrative action against a facility if the facility can demonstrate that it has made a good faith effort to obtain the required documentation from the Department of Children and Families. (m) Documentation of the appointment of a health care surrogate, health care proxy, guardian, or the existence of a power of attorney, where applicable. (n) For hospice patients, the interdisciplinary care plan and other documentation that the resident is a hospice patient as required in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. (o) The resident's Do Not Resuscitate Order, DH Form 1896, if applicable. (p) For independent living residents who receive meals and occupy beds included within the licensed capacity of an assisted living facility, but who are not receiving any personal, limited nursing, or extended congregate care services, record keeping may be limited to a log listing the names of resident11/14/2023
10/23/2023Standard8H8FAN2763LNS - NURSING SERVICES(1) NURSING SERVICES. In addition to any nursing service permitted under a standard license pursuant to Section 429.255, F.S., a facility with a limited nursing services license may provide nursing care to residents who do not require 24-hour nursing supervision and to residents who do require 24-hour nursing care and are enrolled in hospice. 11/14/2023