Provider Name: WINDSOR, THE
Provider Type: Assisted Living Facility
Inspection Data from January 1, 2008 to present
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Survey DateInspection TypeTrack IDDeficiencyClassRequirement DescriptionCorrection Date
04/27/2023Standard501WA00813TRAINING - STAFF IN-SERVICE429.52(1) (1) Each new assisted living facility employee who has not previously completed core training must attend a preservice orientation provided by the facility before interacting with residents. The preservice orientation must be at least 2 hours in duration and cover topics that help the employee provide responsible care and respond to the needs of facility residents. Upon completion, the employee and the administrator of the facility must sign a statement that the employee completed the required preservice orientation. The facility must keep the signed statement in the employee's personnel record. (7) Facility staff shall participate in inservice training relevant to their job duties as specified by agency rule. Topics covered during the preservice orientation are not required to be repeated during inservice training. A single certificate of completion that covers all required inservice training topics may be issued to a participating staff member if the training is provided in a single training course. 59A-36.011 (2) STAFF PRESERVICE ORIENTATION. (a) Facilities must provide a preservice orientation of at least 2 hours to all new assisted living facility employees who have not previously completed core training as detailed in subsection (1). (b) New staff must complete the preservice orientation prior to interacting with residents. (c) Once complete, the employee and the facility administrator must sign a statement that the employee completed the preservice orientation which must be kept in the employee's personnel record. (d) In addition to topics that may be chosen by the facility administrator, the preservice orientation must cover: 1. Resident's rights; and, 2. The facility's license type and services offered by the facility. (3) STAFF IN-SERVICE TRAINING. Facility administrators or managers shall provide or arrange for the following in-service training to facility staff: (a) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, certified nursing assistants, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training in infection control, including universal precautions and facility sanitation procedures, before providing personal care to residents. The facility must use its infection control policies and procedures when offering this training. Documentation of compliance with the staff training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1030, relating to blood borne pathogens, may be used to meet this requirement. (b) Staff who provide direct care to residents must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Reporting adverse incidents. 2. Facility emergency procedures including chain-of-command and staff roles relating to emergency evacuation. (c) Staff who provide direct care to residents, who have not taken the core training program, shall receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident rights in an assisted living facility. 2. Recognizing and reporting resident abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The facility must use its abuse prevention policies and procedures when offering this training. (d) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, CNAs, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive 3 hours of in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident behavior and needs. 2. Providing assistance with the activities of daily living. (e) Staff who prepare or serve food, who have not taken the assisted living facility core training must receive a minimum of 1-hour-in-service training within 30 days of employment in safe food handling practices. (f) All facility staff shall receive in-service training regarding the facility's resident elopement response policies and procedures within06/20/2023
04/12/2022ComplaintRRYZA00253RESIDENT CARE - SUPERVISION429.26 (7) The facility shall notify a licensed physician when a resident exhibits signs of dementia or cognitive impairment or has a change of condition in order to rule out the presence of an underlying physiological condition that may be contributing to such dementia or impairment. The notification must occur within 30 days after the acknowledgment of such signs by facility staff. If an underlying condition is determined to exist, the facility must notify the resident's representative or designee of the need for health care services and must assist in making appointments for the necessary care and services to treat the condition. If the resident does not have a representative or designee or if the resident's representative or designee cannot be located or is unresponsive, the facility shall arrange with the appropriate health care provider for the necessary care and services to treat the condition. 59A-36.007 Resident Care Standards. An assisted living facility must provide care and services appropriate to the needs of residents accepted for admission to the facility. (1) SUPERVISION. Facilities must offer personal supervision as appropriate for each resident, including the following: (a) Monitoring of the quantity and quality of resident diets in accordance with Rule 59A-36.012, F.A.C. (b) Daily observation by designated staff of the activities of the resident while on the premises, and awareness of the general health, safety, and physical and emotional well-being of the resident. (c) Maintaining a general awareness of the resident's whereabouts. The resident may travel independently in the community. (d) Contacting the resident's health care provider and other appropriate party such as the resident's family, guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if the resident exhibits a significant change. (e) Contacting the resident's family, guardian, health care surrogate, or case manager if the resident is discharged or moves out. (f) Maintaining a written record, updated as needed, of any significant changes, any illnesses that resulted in medical attention, changes in the method of medication administration, or other changes that resulted in the provision of additional services. 06/03/2022
04/12/2022ComplaintRRYZA00553MEDICATION - STORAGE AND DISPOSAL(6) MEDICATION STORAGE AND DISPOSAL. (a) In order to accommodate the needs and preferences of residents and to encourage residents to remain as independent as possible, residents may keep their medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, in their possession both on or off the facility premises. Residents may also store their medication in their rooms or apartments if either the room is kept locked when residents are absent or the medication is stored in a secure place that is out of sight of other residents. (b) Both prescription and over-the-counter medications for residents must be centrally stored if: 1. The facility administers the medication; 2. The resident requests central storage. The facility must maintain a list of all medications being stored pursuant to such a request; 3. The medication is determined and documented by the health care provider to be hazardous if kept in the personal possession of the person for whom it is prescribed; 4. The resident fails to maintain the medication in a safe manner as described in this paragraph; 5. The facility determines that, because of physical arrangements and the conditions or habits of residents, the personal possession of medication by a resident poses a safety hazard to other residents, or 6. The facility's rules and regulations require central storage of medication and that policy has been provided to the resident before admission as required in Rule 59A-36.006, F.A.C. (c) Centrally stored medications must be: 1. Kept in a locked cabinet; locked cart; or other locked storage receptacle, room, or area at all times; 2. Located in an area free of dampness and abnormal temperature, except that a medication requiring refrigeration must be kept refrigerated. Refrigerated medications must be secured by being kept in a locked container within the refrigerator, by keeping the refrigerator locked, or by keeping the area in which the refrigerator is located locked; 3. Accessible to staff responsible for filling pill-organizers, assisting with self-administration of medication, or administering medication. Such staff must have ready access to keys or codes to the medication storage areas at all times; and, 4. Kept separately from the medications of other residents and properly closed or sealed. (d) Medication that has been discontinued but has not expired must be returned to the resident or the resident's representative, as appropriate, or may be centrally stored by the facility for future use by the resident at the resident's request. If centrally stored by the facility, the discontinued medication must be stored separately from medication in current use, and the area in which it is stored must be marked "discontinued medication." Such medication may be reused if prescribed by the resident's health care provider. (e) When a resident's stay in the facility has ended, the administrator must return all medications to the resident, the resident's family, or the resident's guardian unless otherwise prohibited by law. If, after notification and waiting at least 15 days, the resident's medications are still at the facility, the medications are considered abandoned and may disposed of in accordance with paragraph (f). (f) Medications that have been abandoned or have expired must be disposed of within 30 days of being determined abandoned or expired and the disposal must be documented in the resident's record. The medication may be taken to a pharmacist for disposal or may be destroyed by the administrator or designee with one witness. (g) Facilities that hold a Special-ALF permit issued by the Board of Pharmacy may return dispensed medicinal drugs to the dispensing pharmacy pursuant to Rule 64B16-28.870, F.A.C. 06/03/2022
04/12/2022ComplaintRRYZA00813TRAINING - STAFF IN-SERVICE429.52(1) (1) Each new assisted living facility employee who has not previously completed core training must attend a preservice orientation provided by the facility before interacting with residents. The preservice orientation must be at least 2 hours in duration and cover topics that help the employee provide responsible care and respond to the needs of facility residents. Upon completion, the employee and the administrator of the facility must sign a statement that the employee completed the required preservice orientation. The facility must keep the signed statement in the employee's personnel record. (7) Facility staff shall participate in inservice training relevant to their job duties as specified by agency rule. Topics covered during the preservice orientation are not required to be repeated during inservice training. A single certificate of completion that covers all required inservice training topics may be issued to a participating staff member if the training is provided in a single training course. 59A-36.011 (2) STAFF PRESERVICE ORIENTATION. (a) Facilities must provide a preservice orientation of at least 2 hours to all new assisted living facility employees who have not previously completed core training as detailed in subsection (1). (b) New staff must complete the preservice orientation prior to interacting with residents. (c) Once complete, the employee and the facility administrator must sign a statement that the employee completed the preservice orientation which must be kept in the employee's personnel record. (d) In addition to topics that may be chosen by the facility administrator, the preservice orientation must cover: 1. Resident's rights; and, 2. The facility's license type and services offered by the facility. (3) STAFF IN-SERVICE TRAINING. Facility administrators or managers shall provide or arrange for the following in-service training to facility staff: (a) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, certified nursing assistants, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training in infection control, including universal precautions and facility sanitation procedures, before providing personal care to residents. The facility must use its infection control policies and procedures when offering this training. Documentation of compliance with the staff training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1030, relating to blood borne pathogens, may be used to meet this requirement. (b) Staff who provide direct care to residents must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Reporting adverse incidents. 2. Facility emergency procedures including chain-of-command and staff roles relating to emergency evacuation. (c) Staff who provide direct care to residents, who have not taken the core training program, shall receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident rights in an assisted living facility. 2. Recognizing and reporting resident abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The facility must use its abuse prevention policies and procedures when offering this training. (d) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, CNAs, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive 3 hours of in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident behavior and needs. 2. Providing assistance with the activities of daily living. (e) Staff who prepare or serve food, who have not taken the assisted living facility core training must receive a minimum of 1-hour-in-service training within 30 days of employment in safe food handling practices. (f) All facility staff shall receive in-service training regarding the facility's resident elopement response policies and procedures within06/03/2022
04/12/2022ComplaintRRYZA00843TRAINING - ASSIS SELF-ADMIN MEDS & MED MGMT59A-36.011 (6) ASSISTANCE WITH THE SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION AND MEDICATION MANAGEMENT. Unlicensed persons who will be providing assistance with the self-administration of medications as described in rule 59A-36.008, F.A.C., must meet the training requirements pursuant to section 429.52(6), F.S., prior to assuming this responsibility. Courses provided in fulfilment of this requirement must meet the following criteria: (a) Training must cover state law and rule requirements with respect to the supervision, assistance, administration, and management of medications in assisted living facilities; procedures and techniques for assisting the resident with self-administration of medication including how to read a prescription label; providing the right medications to the right resident; common medications; the importance of taking medications as prescribed; recognition of side effects and adverse reactions and procedures to follow when residents appear to be experiencing side effects and adverse reactions; documentation and record keeping; and medication storage and disposal. Training shall include demonstrations of proper techniques, including techniques for infection control, and ensure unlicensed staff have adequately demonstrated that they have acquired the skills necessary to provide such assistance. (b) The training must be provided by a registered nurse or licensed pharmacist who shall issue a training certificate to a trainee who demonstrates, in person and both physically and verbally, the ability to: 1. Read and understand a prescription label; 2. Provide assistance with self-administration in accordance with section 429.256, F.S., and rule 59A-36.008, F.A.C., including: a. Assist with oral dosage forms, topical dosage forms, and topical ophthalmic, otic and nasal dosage forms; b. Measure liquid medications, break scored tablets, and crush tablets in accordance with prescription directions; c. Recognize the need to obtain clarification of an "as needed" prescription order; d. Recognize a medication order which requires judgment or discretion, and to advise the resident, resident's health care provider or facility employer of inability to assist in the administration of such orders; e. Complete a medication observation record; f. Retrieve and store medication; g. Recognize the general signs of adverse reactions to medications and report such reactions; h. Assist residents with insulin syringes that are prefilled with the proper dosage by a pharmacist and insulin pens that are prefilled by the manufacturer by taking the medication, in its previously dispensed, properly labeled container, from where it is stored, and bringing it to the resident for self-injection; i. Assist with nebulizers; j. Use a glucometer to perform blood glucose testing; k. Assist residents with oxygen nasal cannulas and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices, excluding the titration of the oxygen levels; l. Apply and remove anti-embolism stockings and hosiery; m. Placement and removal of colostomy bags, excluding the removal of the flange or manipulation of the stoma site; and, n. Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and respiratory rate. (c) Unlicensed persons, as defined in section 429.256(1)(b), F.S., who provide assistance with self-administered medications and have successfully completed the initial 6 hour training, must obtain, annually, a minimum of 2 hours of continuing education training on providing assistance with self-administered medications and safe medication practices in an assisted living facility. The 2 hours of continuing education training may be provided online. (d) Trained unlicensed staff who, prior to the effective date of this rule, assist with the self-administration of medication and have successfully completed 4 hours of assistance with self-administration of medication training must complete an additional 2 hours of training that focuses on the topics listed in sub-06/03/2022
04/12/2022ComplaintRRYZA01653RISK MGMT & QA429.23 Internal risk management and quality assurance program; adverse incidents and reporting requirements.- (1) Every facility licensed under this part may, as part of its administrative functions, voluntarily establish a risk management and quality assurance program, the purpose of which is to assess resident care practices, facility incident reports, deficiencies cited by the agency, adverse incident reports, and resident grievances and develop plans of action to correct and respond quickly to identify quality differences. (2) Every facility licensed under this part is required to maintain adverse incident reports. For purposes of this section, the term, "adverse incident" means: (a) An event over which facility personnel could exercise control rather than as a result of the resident's condition and results in: 1. Death; 2. Brain or spinal damage; 3. Permanent disfigurement; 4. Fracture or dislocation of bones or joints; 5. Any condition that required medical attention to which the resident has not given his or her consent, including failure to honor advanced directives; 6. Any condition that requires the transfer of the resident from the facility to a unit providing more acute care due to the incident rather than the resident's condition before the incident; or 7. An event that is reported to law enforcement or its personnel for investigation; or (b) Resident elopement, if the elopement places the resident at risk of harm or injury. (3) Licensed facilities shall provide within 1 business day after the occurrence of an adverse incident, through the agency's online portal, or if the portal is offline, by electronic mail, a preliminary report to the agency on all adverse incidents specified under this section. The report must include information regarding the identity of the affected resident, the type of adverse incident, and the status of the facility's investigation of the incident. (4) Licensed facilities shall provide within 15 days, through the agency's online portal, or if the portal is offline, by electronic mail, a full report to the agency on all adverse incidents specified in this section. The report must include the results of the facility's investigation into the adverse incident. (6) Abuse, neglect, or exploitation must be reported to the Department of Children and Families as required under chapter 415. (7) The information reported to the agency pursuant to subsection (3) which relates to persons licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 461, chapter 464, or chapter 465 shall be reviewed by the agency. The agency shall determine whether any of the incidents potentially involved conduct by a health care professional who is subject to disciplinary action, in which case the provisions of s. 456.073 apply. The agency may investigate, as it deems appropriate, any such incident and prescribe measures that must or may be taken in response to the incident. The agency shall review each incident and determine whether it potentially involved conduct by a health care professional who is subject to disciplinary action, in which case the provisions of s. 456.073 apply. (8) If the agency, through its receipt of the adverse incident reports prescribed in this part or through any investigation, has reasonable belief that conduct by a staff member or employee of a licensed facility is grounds for disciplinary action by the appropriate board, the agency shall report this fact to such regulatory board. (9) The adverse incident reports and preliminary adverse incident reports required under this section are confidential as provided by law and are not discoverable or admissible in any civil or administrative action, except in disciplinary proceedings by the agency or appropriate regulatory board. (10) The agency may adopt rules necessary to administer this section. 06/03/2022
04/22/2021Standard62OMA00813TRAINING - STAFF IN-SERVICE429.52(1) (1)Each new assisted living facility employee who has not previously completed core training must attend a preservice orientation provided by the facility before interacting with residents. The preservice orientation must be at least 2 hours in duration and cover topics that help the employee provide responsible care and respond to the needs of facility residents. Upon completion, the employee and the administrator of the facility must sign a statement that the employee completed the required preservice orientation. The facility must keep the signed statement in the employee's personnel record. (7) Facility staff shall participate in inservice training relevant to their job duties as specified by agency rule. Topics covered during the preservice orientation are not required to be repeated during inservice training. A single certificate of completion that covers all required inservice training topics may be issued to a participating staff member if the training is provided in a single training course. 59A-36.011 (2) STAFF PRESERVICE ORIENTATION. (a) Facilities must provide a preservice orientation of at least 2 hours to all new assisted living facility employees who have not previously completed core training as detailed in subsection (1). (b) New staff must complete the preservice orientation prior to interacting with residents. (c) Once complete, the employee and the facility administrator must sign a statement that the employee completed the preservice orientation which must be kept in the employee's personnel record. (d) In addition to topics that may be chosen by the facility administrator, the preservice orientation must cover: 1. Resident's rights; and, 2. The facility's license type and services offered by the facility. (3) STAFF IN-SERVICE TRAINING. Facility administrators or managers shall provide or arrange for the following in-service training to facility staff: (a) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, certified nursing assistants, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training in infection control, including universal precautions and facility sanitation procedures, before providing personal care to residents. The facility must use its infection control policies and procedures when offering this training. Documentation of compliance with the staff training requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1030, relating to blood borne pathogens, may be used to meet this requirement. (b) Staff who provide direct care to residents must receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Reporting adverse incidents. 2. Facility emergency procedures including chain-of-command and staff roles relating to emergency evacuation. (c) Staff who provide direct care to residents, who have not taken the core training program, shall receive a minimum of 1 hour in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident rights in an assisted living facility. 2. Recognizing and reporting resident abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The facility must use its abuse prevention policies and procedures when offering this training. (d) Staff who provide direct care to residents, other than nurses, CNAs, or home health aides trained in accordance with rule 59A-8.0095, F.A.C., must receive 3 hours of in-service training within 30 days of employment that covers the following subjects: 1. Resident behavior and needs. 2. Providing assistance with the activities of daily living. (e) Staff who prepare or serve food, who have not taken the assisted living facility core training must receive a minimum of 1-hour-in-service training within 30 days of employment in safe food handling practices. (f) All facility staff shall receive in-service training regarding the facility's resident elopement response policies and procedures within 05/26/2021
04/22/2021Standard62OMA00903TRAINING - DO NOT RESUSCITATE ORDERS(11) DO NOT RESUSCITATE ORDERS TRAINING. (a) Currently employed facility administrators, managers, direct care staff and staff involved in resident admissions must receive at least one hour of training in the facility's policies and procedures regarding Do Not Resuscitate Orders. (b) Newly hired facility administrators, managers, direct care staff and staff involved in resident admissions must receive at least one hour of training in the facility's policy and procedures regarding DNROs within 30 days after employment. (c) Training shall consist of the information included in rule 59A-36.009, F.A.C. 05/26/2021